Being an Acupuncturist Isn't Easy.

If you are like me, you got into this line of work because you felt it on a soul level.

Maybe you wanted to help people heal, guide women on their fertility journey, help people with chronic pain, or just provide a safe healing container for your community.

You didn't necessarily get into this field to get rich, but you were hoping to pay your bills.

So, you answered the soul calling, you went to school, got the degree, passed the board exam and opened your clinic.

Your numbers went up, then maybe they went down or maybe you've hit a plateau. Then you started to realize that maybe there is more to this acupuncture gig than knowing the right points or herbal formulas.

If you are also like me, you received little to NO business training in school.

Which is fair, I know I was so focused on passing that darn state board exam that I didn't even think twice about learning how to run a clinic. "I'll figure it out later..." I shrugged.

It wasn't until a couple of years into practice that I started to realize I didn't know how to effectively build a business. I felt like I could treat my patients effectively, but found that they would do maybe one or two treatments and fall off my schedule never to return. My patient numbers would fluctuate a lot and I didn't know how to get patients to stay on my schedule. I started to wonder if maybe I wasn't a good acupuncturist?

Nope, this was a Systems Problem.

On the other hand, I had no idea how to get new patients. I tried running ads, building an expensive webpage, and attending networking mixers yet still, my numbers were up and down and I needed a consistent paycheck. Maybe I was the problem? Nope.

Nope, this was a Marketing Problem.

Just when I was starting to think about picking up a massage job at the spa on the weekends to make ends meet, I was questioning if I was cut out to actually make a living as an acupuncturist.

Nope, this was a Mindset Problem.

I eventually had an awakening: I realized When I passed the state board exam, I did it by putting together a system and a framework for studying. I had time set aside and continuous focus effort on the task at hand and BELIEVED I could do it.....and it worked.

I figured I could apply that same method to building my business. I could believe I could do it and set up the systems that would guarantee my success.

So, I got to work, attended seminars about business, read books, listened to podcasts, and even hired a few business coaches along the way. I put together a three-step approach that I apply every time my numbers are down or I've reached a plateau.

I've fine-tuned my approach and am so excited to share it with you in a 30-day bootcamp format. I've implemented this formula so many times in my clinic and it works like a charm every time. Let me save you time and money by pointing you in the right direction to increase revenue, increase your patient retention, and most importantly, feel good about it in the process.

Here's the Details:

This course consists of 3 pre-recorded modules, for you to follow at your own pace.

At the end of the course, you'll schedule a free 1:1 coaching call where we will lay out an implementation plan for you to nail your goals.

Example Curriculum

  Welcome to 30 Day Acupuncture Clinic Bootcamp!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1: Systems: Make that Clinic a Well Oiled Machine
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2: Marketing- Attract Patients Effortlessly in a Way that Feels Good
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3: Mindset - Elevate your Mindset, Increase Your Revenue
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4: Integration and What's Next
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Business Bootcamp Quiz
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Hello There! I'm Dr. Michelle.

I'm a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, an Educator/Coach and the owner of Zen Den, an award winning Hybrid Community Acupuncture Clinic located in San Luis Obispo, Ca. I love helping other acupuncturists revolutionize the way they think, practice, and live, to not only move the needle on their business but live to their fullest, happiest soul potential. Thanks for being here!

Who is this Program for:

This program is for Licensed Acupuncturists who are ready to boost their patient numbers, patient retention, and clinic revenue while breaking through limiting beliefs holding them back.

Do I need to be a community acupuncturist to take this program?

No, these methods work for any type of practice. (1:1, Community, and Hybrid Practices are all welcome.)